Culture defined

Culture Defined - DICE Consulting

Culture Defined is a 3 part programs delivered over 3 separate workshops with your team and leaders. Designed to discover your core values through a shared purpose, creation of core values and building a collective mission for the future. Engage and Enable your team to build a culture they believe in and can live and breath.

How it works

- 3 x 3 hour sessions delivered at workplace or DICE training venue. Discover, Create, Apply.

- Discover workshop #1 uncovers what your company stands for, what core values do for your team and how to find your purpose

- Create workshop #2 allows participants to use the discoveries from the month prior to build their core values and culture mission.

- Apply workshop #3 engages participants to co create with their leadership team how to imbed the newly formed culture and core values into the team

- Relevant real world content with accountability model to put into practice for ongoing engagement and implementation

- Teamwork frameworks used throughout the program to ensure team inclusion and participation


- A newly formed culture that is owned and believed in by the team

- Shared core values that become the guiding star for the business operations and success

- A shared purpose to engage the team to be bigger than themselves and their roles

- A team engaged with each other and how they contribute to the company

- Ownership over the company culture and mission

- Self confidence and resilience

- Clarity of how to success and grow with the business

To discuss more on this program or to book your team, school, group please connect with us here with your details.