“My aim is to work with businesses and their teams to build successful strategy and culture outcomes via purpose, service and process. I am seeking out values aligned clients who are looking to make a meaningful impact on their people, community, and the world.”
(Mick - Head Honcho DICE.)
start with why
My primary goal is to ensure that a business works for my client … not the other way around. I aim to create a pathway for my clients to learn about results based operations and build a life of balance and purpose around their business. I’m also here to create a conversation where possible about business creating results for themselves and the world, by doing business for good, and aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It’s up to businesses around the world to create a sustainable and meaningful future, and DICE is here to make it happen.
“I have been meeting with Mick for over a year now, Mick has helped me in several areas of my business. Mick has a way to breakdown issues I have running a growing business, simplifies it and puts an action into plan. I have followed the plan and had record results.
Meeting with Mick has had huge impact not only on my Business but he has helped create a fantastic culture within in our team that everyone benefits from.
Also Mick is a LEGEND!!”
How we do it
We work inside a coaching methodology that asks you the right questions as the right time. We know that you are the specialist when it comes to your business, not us. So we work directly with your strengths from the start finding out your reality, the results you have achieved, where you want to go, what you want to create and how you can make it happen using your strengths and the people around you. Our Consulting Services works on being the link between your team or department and you. Managing the productivity and execution so you can work on the bigger picture.
We don’t have a silver bullet. We don’t have 8 secret sales steps to create millions. We don’t have a marketing mastermind class that will create a millionaire in 8 months. We don’t have false promises.
What we do have is a strategic approach to coaching, combined with a self determined success criteria that you make, to guide us in our actions and execution.
DICE stands for Data - Insight - Create - Execute. This means that the numbers always tell the story as we use your data to formulate and create strategy to go forward with. Using simple models to get clarity in your business and your team, we work in a fluid and relaxed approach to create results inside realistic time frames.
DATA - We look at your data, the real data to establish the reality of what is going on. And it’s not just the dollars on your financials. It’s the critical numbers, the kpi’s used to measure the operational success (or lack there of) of your business. We look at data across the board, and determine with you, how to maximise the strengths and build upon the weaknesses.
INSIGHT - We use a variety of coaching models, strategic planning models, dynamic questioning processes and a deep dive of the people and systems in your business to further assess your position. The plan is your journey from point A to point B with the most efficient and effective way using the tools and resources at our disposal. A combination of effective reaction and strategic planning to provide the best execution process moving forward.
CREATE - We’ll work together on creating the strategy, timelines, KPIs, team engagement and training opportunities with which provide clarity and ongoing feedback loops to maximise progress. We work with you to help YOU create the strategy from knowing your reality and how to proceed. We’ll create personal and professional goals aligned with your Success Criteria and a management system to keep them on track and upto date.
EXECUTE - DICE uses a simple yet extremely effective execution model coupled with traditional timelines and action plans to ensure you meet and exceed your goals within the allocated time frame. With a scorecard and forecasting to measure the execution success; we ensure you stay on track and make it happen.
What we do
We have 2 ways we create amazing outcomes for our clients. Programs and Contracting. Each product line is a set fee custom built for you rather than an hourly rate so there are no nasty surprises.
DICE Programs are tailor made coaching packages that work directly with you in all facets of your business inline with your success criteria. We have One on One, Group and Custom Build programs; so something for everyone, no matter how big your business.
DICE Contracting is more technical management application within your business. From General/Ops Management, Sales Management and Marketing Contracting we can insert directly into a specific department of your business and be the link between you and your team. We’ll build a strategy with you to get the results you need from your team so you can focus on the bigger picture.
Our giving
We are champions of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. 17 outcomes that must be achieved by 2030 as outlined by the United Nations and Global Leaders in 2015. We are committed to creating solutions into these outcomes with DICE Consulting.
Overtime we rotate our focus of giving and impact through the 17 goals ensuring results are created across the board.
We are sponsors of the National SDG Event SEVENTEENx. https://www.seventeensdg.com